We Will

We Won't

  • Sell you a device that we are not certified to service.
  • Charge you a cost per copy (cpc) for scanning.
  • Exclude normal consumable items, such as waste collection bottles, from your maintenance agreement.
  • Exclude service rebuilds from your maintenance agreement.
  • Skip doing your device's preventative maintenance (PM) checks.
  • Install all computer-related drivers, software and train on the same day of delivery, or schedule according to your preferences.
  • Install FleetView for automated meter reads and enhanced service data.
  • Provide ongoing training for our service team so we can continue to achieve highest-in-the-nation training scores.
  • Repair your device within four hours for emergency service.
  • Dispatch service locally instead of from a national clearing call center.
  • Stock all “high mortality” parts with your technician so your machine can be repaired on the first call.
  • Ensure your deadlines are reached by fixing your device correctly the first time.
  • Deliver a loaner device if your current device cannot be repaired within 24 hours, or run your jobs in our headquarters.
  • Give your device the highest care on every preventative maintenance (PM) call and thoroughly clean it for highest efficiency.
  • Reward our technicians based on their ability to perform accurate, quality repairs, not on the quantity of their calls.






meter read