PageScope Mobile and PageScope Enterprise Suite are the native utilities of Konica Minolta. PageScope Mobile easily allows your mobile devices to connect to your print fleet and print right from your mobile device. For desktop or laptop users, there is PageScope Enterprise Suite. With this, a designated administrator will be able to easily connect to the MFP, and manage things like email scan destinations, see toner levels, etc.!
PageScope Mobile
PageScope Enterprise Suite
The growth and popularity of iPad, iPhone and iPod touch devices and the need to access and manage your documents when you need them make the PageScope Mobile App a highly valuable tool. The PageScope Mobile App connects bizhub MFPs with an end-user’s iPhone, iPad and iPod touch and enables them to print documents and images as well as scan documents to their mobile device. With a wireless connection and the free App download, you’ll be printing and scanning documents in no time.
PageScope is the integrated suite of Konica Minolta software applications that help you manage your bizhub documents and devices more effectively. PageScope software makes it easier to scan and store files, search and retrieve documents, create and update one-touch dialing lists, manage print jobs, maintain user authentication accounts, and print with desktop drag-and-drop simplicity. PageScope applications let end-users and administrators set up bizhub devices, check status, change settings, and integrate new devices into existing enterprise networks.